Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Practical Tips on Using Social Media

I found this article very enlightening and wanted to share!  Enjoy!  ~JoAnn

Social Media: Six Ways to Evolve in 2014
By: Gini Dietrich | December 2, 201


The Evolution of Social Media
Though it is no longer as intimate as it once was and not nearly as much fun, there are a few things that haven’t changed all that much and some that have gotten worse (hello, narcissism anyone?).
Way back when, we were all testing and trying new things. We were curious and willing to take some risk.

Today, we’ve become much more comfortable with our use and, in some cases, a bit lackadaisical.
Following are six ways to evolve your social media use in the next year.

The 80/20 Rule

This is a “rule” I’ve been touting since the beginning and I still believe it today: Eighty percent of what you share should be about someone else and 20 percent can be about you.

This means you are aggregating content from bloggers, journalists, podcasters, and writers whose content you agree with. It supports your thinking, the way you do business, or where you believe your industry is going.

Following this rule prevents you from creating a social network that is all about you and from becoming narcissistic. It also motivates others to want to share your content because you are so giving through your social networks.

Test Your Output

This also means you have to test, test, and test some more.

tweet content 11 times every day. This does not include any conversations, direct messages, or things that come up throughout the day.

On Facebook, we try to update at least four times every day. On LinkedIn, once a day. And on Google+, twice a day.

We test the number of updates continuously and find this works for nearly every organization.
We have one client, though, whose Facebook posts do really well with only twice a day updates.
We discovered this when we did four a day for a week, then three, then two, and then one. Sure, it took a full month to figure it out, but now it works like a charm!

Geography Differs

Part of your testing also includes figuring out the geographies of your audiences.

Some people get on their social networks at 5 a.m. ET and then you don’t see them again until after work hours.

If you’re on the west coast, that’s 2 a.m. your time, but your east coast audiences are consuming media.

I’m a big fan of scheduling posts for that very reason. I use SocialOomph to schedule my tweets so I can hit the people in different geographies.

Don’t automate your conversations, but you can do so with the content you’re sharing.

A Conversion Funnel

This is where people still get frustrated about the value of social media.

If you think about it as a conversion funnel, it becomes less frustrating and intimidating.

The top of the funnel is the first exposure to you – in this case, your profile.

What are you sharing that is informational and valuable not to you, but to your fans and followers?

The middle of the funnel is how you earn your fans and followers. Is it by following the 80/20 rule? By sharing other’s content? By mixing in some personal with the professional?

If you’re strategic about how you earn them, you will keep them engaged, which leads to conversion and retention.

Don’t Just Broadcast

Don’t just do everything above and forget about the conversations. This means replying, reaching out, tagging people in conversations, and helping others share their content.

This is definitely a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” environment. 

But, even bigger than that, when you share content, people want to include you in their content – a link to your website, a comment on your blog post, a share of your white paper – so you will share farther and wider.

You help them, they help you, you help them.

Be Strategic in 2014

Think about how your social media efforts will continue to evolve in 2014.

Will you figure out the conversion funnel? Will you become more engaging? Will you share more about others?

Whatever it happens to be, be strategic about it. Stop and think, “To what end am I doing this?”

When you have the answer to that question, you’ll have success in your social media efforts.

Source:  http://spinsucks.com/social-media/social-media-six-ways-to-evolve-in-2014/?goback=%2Egde_94634_member_5813288081125576706#%21

Monday, November 25, 2013

Using Facebook for Business

Thinking outside the Face-box!  

  • Where is everyone?  
  • Where are YOUR customers?  
  • What are they doing online?  

If you guessed FACEBOOK, statistics prove that you are right!

Percent of Internet Users in Different Income Brackets on Each Social Network
Image Source:  Business Insider

"Two-thirds of online American adults (67%) are Facebook users, making Facebook the dominant social networking site in this country." (Pew Internet)

"Facebook: The 45–54 age bracket using Facebook has significantly grown, increasing by 45 percent since the end of 2012. Out of all the social networks studied, Facebook dominated the older generation’s social media usage, as well as the wealthier population. Seventy-three percent of people earning over $75,000 annually have a Facebook account, which surpasses any other network by over fifty percent in the highest income bracket. Facebook is also clearly the most popular by far, and is expanding internationally—86 percent of users are now from outside the United States." (Business Insider summary)

So, how do you utilize Facebook for your business?  Take a look at this detailed social media marketing campaign using Facebook that I recently prepared:  click here.  It's full of great ideas you can use right away!

And then, if you're interested in learning more about how you can take advantage of social media tools for your business, sign up for a Free Hour of Inspiration with me here.

Thanks for reading!  Please follow my blog for more bits of inspiration on Integrated Marketing Communications!


JoAnn :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Business Blogging = Marketing Success!

Not sure what a blog can do for your business?  Let's start with the facts:
  • Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes.
  • Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors.
  • B2C companies that blog get 88% more leads/month than those who don’t.
  • B2B companies that blog get 67% more leads/month than those who don’t.

This data (from HubSpot) demonstrates how blogging is a critical factor to inbound marketing that we can directly correlate to results.

Optimizing and promoting your blog is very important. Frequency of blogging also plays a critical role. Research shows that companies who blog atleast 16-20 times per month see the best return.

“A blog is a long-term marketing asset that will bring traffic and leads to your business. It introduces you as a thought leader in your space and allows you to earn people’s trust.”

Blogging is a great method of increasing your organic search engine traffic. Blog posts help you rank in search engines and get found when people search. They provide a great opportunity to utilize keywords that drive internet traffic your way.

A blog is a showcase of your expertise and leadership in your industry. Sharing your knowledge earns people's trust, and surveys show that 71% of people say that blogs affect their purchasing decisions.

Blogs also provide your business with added online real estate on which to place calls-to-action.

Interested in learning more? HubSpot's e-book “Introduction to Business Blogging” is a great place to start.

Need help developing and maintaining your blog? Elysian IMC provides these services. Click here for more information.

Thanks for reading!  Please follow my blog for more bits of inspiration on Integrated Marketing Communications!

JoAnn :)

HubSpot. “Introduction to Business Blogging”. Ebook. <<http://offers.hubspot.com/an-introduction-to-business-blogging>>